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Writer's pictureRyan Spelts

Security vs. Opportunity or Freedom vs. Bondage

Several times in my life when I have been down in the dumps after a failed venture, I received advice from people close to me.  They would say something like this. “Why don’t you go get a real job!” I was typically offended by this remark in the moment, but I have come to understand why my friends and family said this.  First, they were worried about me and my family and they wanted me to get back on my feet quickly. Second, they most people, want security in their life, and therefore because they love me, also want me to enjoy the same thing!  The only problem is that security is often an illusion. One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. (Oogway, Kung Fu Panda).  I meet so many people who are unhappy and feel trapped in their own life.  They hate what they do, they hate their financial situation and they feel, for one reason or another, like they cannot make a change.  Meaning by their desire for security they have lost their freedom.  With a loss of freedom comes the opposite of security.  When a person is trapped he is subject to the will of another.

For example, when the banking industry transitioned from real human underwriters to computerized systems of decision-making when I was in my teens, my father was forced to leave the “safe, secure bank profession” and move on to an entirely different profession.  It took several years for him to get back on his feet and he had to make some drastic changes. Those changes were not his choice but were forced upon him. He lost his agency and choice because decisions were out of his hands, and the industry changed around him. Even though he had what most would have considered a safe and secure job, he ended up experiencing loss anyway.  Again often we find our destiny on the path we take to avoid it.

I have been on the opportunity path my entire life.  Most of it has been great, beyond what I ever imagined for myself.  Some of it has been extremely difficult, painful, and trying.  Even with trying times, I have had a wonderful life. I love my life, my career, and my choices. Why? Because they are what I chose.

The choice is the key to true security. When we make choices and take responsibility for our choices we find freedom and peace.  With that freedom comes security. Every once in a while my wife will have a low moment and wonder aloud whether I would have been happier marrying someone else.  I always respond the same way.  I chose you!! I want you!! You are the one!  This is the ultimate freedom. Making your own choices.  This freedom comes from pursuing opportunity instead of security.  Because you get to choose! Once you choose, you have to decide to be happy with your choice or make another. Personal accountability is a must on the path of opportunity because there is no one else to blame. Here are some of the main differences between security and opportunity. (This idea was shared with me by my good friend JBrad Britton,


You have the chance to walk the path of opportunity versus the more often traveled path of security.  Your choices will determine many things in your future.  If you could fast forward several years and look back you could see how your choices have had an impact on your life. You could then come back to the present and make better choices today to ensure a great future however that time machine has not been invented yet. Here are a few choices you can make right now that will change your life forever.

  1. Work like your life depends on it.  The value of work is one that many miss.  It is the only way. Rather than look for a shortcut, use each day to work your way down the path of life and success. It is an eternal principle. I remember when I served a mission for my church, I started working 12-14 hour days for the first time in my life. It was difficult but I felt awesome at the end of every day. I often wouldn’t even remember my head hitting the pillow. To this day I look back on that experience as one of the best of my entire life. Plus it set some important precedence for my life. The other day, I was on the phone with Simeon (My number one sales rep) at 9:45 pm and he said, I just got home, and Lane (my number 2 sales rep) is still out doing a demo they had both left by 9:30 that morning. “I asked him what is your secret?”  He said, “I am trying to double my rate of rejection this year!”

  2. Learn to be frugal. You cannot go down the path of opportunity without saving for the unknown. You cannot have freedom without personal limitations. You cannot be financially free without effort, it won’t happen if you don’t learn to be frugal and avoid wasting money you will never be free from financial bondage. You don’t need to eat at nice restaurants or have the newest hippest clothes. You don’t need to buy the latest iPad or iPhone. If you can learn to wait, and learn to go without, you can put your earnings towards better things and prepare for your future. I have a great friend, Shane, I struggle to hang out with him because I can’t keep up with him (and his spending). I wondered out loud one day “how can you could live as if you have no budget.” He said, “I lived right when I was younger and paid off my house when I was 35,” he continued “when you don’t have to pay a mortgage every month that clears up a lot of money for the fun stuff.”

  3. Have a passion for what you do.  I am a salesperson because that is what I choose to be. I could have chosen many things to do with my life but I chose this and still choose this. I choose to be here. I am not trapped. I love what I do. I wouldn’t represent just ANY product because if I am to put my name behind it, it must move ME. Do what you love and believe in.  Do what moves you.  Don’t settle.  Most of the world settles but few choose.  Choose the future you want by the decisions you make today.

-Ryan Spelts

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