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Marketing Pyramid

If you aren't sure where to start in marketing your business, this is your checklist. Start with number one and then go one by one through each step. If you get stuck, we are here for you and when you are ready to start advertising, we would love to put a package together specifically for your business. 

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You have a meaningful, strong, brand that represents the essence of your company. You have defined your ideal target audience, and you know WHY they should pick you, your USP. If you don’t have those definitions, start here. Ready for Professional help with your brand? Click Here.


Business Profiles

Next it is time to set-up and optimize your Google Business Profile, Bing Places for Business, and Apple Business Connect. Once you have them set up, optimize them by feeding them as much info as you can. List key words, products and services, and anything else they ask for to optimize the listings. The more detail the better. Need Help? Click here.

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LaunchScape Homepage Icon


There are 24 points to a perfect website. You can view all of them here. This will ensure your website isn’t just a brochure, but is a sales driving member of your team. Your website should be a living breathing entity. It isn’t ever “done.” You should add new data, information, writings, and any other progresses you make in your business should be added to your website. You also need to register with Google Search Console and place tracking pixels. We also recommend using the LaunchScape Homepage Layout. Want help with your website? Click Here.


Social Media Channels

We live in a wonderful time. There are huge media companies that allow you to establish a profile and post as many ads as you want for free. Take full advantage of these tools. Set up business pages, and come up with a content marketing plan, and post, post, post. Use the FREE Social Media planner to help with ideas. Want help with this? Click Here.

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Email Newsletter

Build a List

Build a following, an email list, a group of people who care about what you do. Visitors to your website should be prompted, motivated, and encouraged to become part of your clan. For those who are potential customers, you can continually market to them and hopefully engage them. For those that do business with you, you can keep in touch. Email is a powerful tool that will help you drive further sales and get referrals. Want help? Click Here.


Strategic Marketing Plan

Before you start to spend money on advertising, you must have a plan in place. Know your brand identity, have a content plan that speaks to your WHO about their WHY. Once you have your ideal target audience, advertise where they hang out and begin delivering your content to them. Watch what works in your stats and do more of that. To catch attention, use powerful titles following the WPP approach.  Need help? See our plans here.

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Paid Advertising

Specific targeting, across multiple channels is key. This will include some or all of these channels. SEO, Paid Social Media, Search Engine Marketing, Google LSA, Programmatic Digital Display, Pre-roll, Streaming TV, and Streaming Audio, Reputation Management, and YouTube. Traditional Marketing including Print, TV, Radio, Event Sponsorships, Influencer Collabs, and more. Find out more in The Secrets of Marketing your Small Business by Ryan Spelts. If you are ready to get a custom package designed for your business, book an appointment here

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Marketing Pyramid
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